Contents Index Start replicating data Send data from the consolidated database

SQL Remote User's Guide
  A Tutorial for Adaptive Server Enterprise Users
    Start replicating data

Enter data at the consolidated database

In this section we enter data into the SalesRep and Customer tables at the consolidated (Adaptive Server Enterprise) database, and replicate this data to the Adaptive Server Anywhere database.

To enter data at the Adaptive Server Enterprise database

  1. Connect to the Adaptive Server Enterprise server from isql:

    isql -S server-name -U sa -P sysadmin
  2. Ensure you are using the hq database, and enter a series of rows:

    use hq
    insert into SalesRep (rep_key, name)
    values ('rep1', 'Field User')
    insert into SalesRep (rep_key, name)
    values ('rep2', 'Another User')
    insert into Customer (cust_key, name, rep_key)
    values ('cust1', 'Ocean Sports', 'rep1')
    insert into Customer (cust_key, name, rep_key)
    values ('cust2', 'Sports Plus', 'rep2')

    Ocean Sports is assigned to Field User, and Sports Plus is assigned to Another User. You must commit the changes, as SQL Remote replicates only committed changes.

Having entered the data at the consolidated database, you now need to send the relevant rows to the remote Adaptive Server Anywhere database.

Contents Index Start replicating data Send data from the consolidated database