Contents Index Replication of inserts and deletes Replication of procedures

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Principles of SQL Remote Design
    How statements are replicated

Replication of updates

UPDATE statements are not replicated exactly as the client application enters them. This section describes two ways in which the replicated UPDATE statement may differ from the entered UPDATE statement.

UPDATE statements replicated as INSERTS or DELETES 

If an UPDATE statement has the effect of removing a row from a given remote user's subscription, it is sent to that user as a DELETE statement. If an UPDATE statement has the effect of adding a row to a given remote user's subscription, it is sent to that user as an INSERT statement.

The figure illustrates a publication, where each subscriber subscribes by their name:

An UPDATE that changes the Rep value of a row from Marc to Ann is replicated to Marc as a DELETE statement, and to Ann as an INSERT statement.

This reassignment of rows among subscribers is sometimes called territory realignment, because it is a common feature of sales force automation applications, where customers are periodically reassigned among representatives.

UPDATE conflict detection 

An UPDATE statement changes the value of one or more rows from some existing value to a new value. The rows altered depend on the WHERE clause of the UPDATE statement.

When SQL Remote replicates an UPDATE statement, it does so as a set of single-row updates. These single-row statements can fail for one of the following reasons:

Contents Index Replication of inserts and deletes Replication of procedures