Contents Index Partitioning the Contact table in the Contact example Sharing rows among several subscriptions

SQL Remote User's Guide
  SQL Remote Design for Adaptive Server Anywhere
    Partitioning tables that do not contain the subscription expression

Territory realignment in the Contact example

In territory realignment, rows are reassigned among subscribers. In the present case, territory realignment is the reassignment of rows in the Customer table, and by implication also the Contact table, among the Sales Reps.

When a customer is reassigned to a new sales rep, the Customer table is updated. The UPDATE is replicated as an INSERT or a or a DELETE to the old and new sales representatives, respectively, so that the customer row is properly transferred to the new sales representative.

For information on the way in which Adaptive Server Anywhere and SQL Remote work together to handle this situation, see Who gets what?.

When a customer is reassigned, the Contact table is unaffected. There are no changes to the Contact table, and consequently no entries in the transaction log pertaining to the Contact table. In the absence of this information, SQL Remote cannot reassign the rows of the Contact table along with the Customer.

This failure will cause referential integrity problems: the Contact table at the remote database of the old sales representative contains a cust_key value for which there is no longer a Customer.

Use triggers to maintain Contacts 

The solution is to use a trigger containing a special form of UPDATE statement, which does not make any change to the database tables, but which does make an entry in the transaction log. This log entry contains the before and after values of the subscription expression, and so is of the proper form for the Message Agent to replicate the rows properly.

The trigger must be fired BEFORE operations on the row. In this way, the BEFORE value can be evaluated and placed in the log. Also, the trigger must be fired FOR EACH ROW rather than for each statement, and the information provided by the trigger must be the new subscription expression. The Message Agent can use this information to determine which subscribers receive which rows.

Trigger definition 

The trigger definition is as follows:

   OLD as OldRow
   // determine the new subscription expression
   // for the Customer table
   UPDATE Contact
   OLD SUBSCRIBE BY ( OldRow.rep_key )
   NEW SUBSCRIBE BY ( NewRow.rep_key )
   WHERE cust_key = NewRow.cust_key;
A special UPDATE statement for publications 

The UPDATE statement in this trigger is of the following special form:

UPDATE table-name 
PUBLICATION publication-name 
SUBSCRIBE BY subscription-expression |
      OLD SUBSCRIBE BY old-subscription-expression
      NEW SUBSCRIBE BY new-subscription-expression } 
WHERE search-condition

Notes on the trigger 
Information in the transaction log 

Here we describe the information placed in the transaction log. Understanding this helps in designing efficient publications.

Contents Index Partitioning the Contact table in the Contact example Sharing rows among several subscriptions