Contents Index Designing to avoid referential integrity errors Ensuring unique primary keys

SQL Remote User's Guide
  SQL Remote Design for Adaptive Server Anywhere
    Managing conflicts

Designing triggers to avoid errors

Actions performed by triggers are not replicated: triggers that exist at one database in a SQL Remote setup are assumed by the replication procedure to exist at other databases in the setup. When an action that fires a trigger at the consolidated database is replicated at the replicate site, the trigger is automatically fired. By default, the database extraction utility extracts the trigger definitions, so that they are in place at the remote database also.

If a publication includes only a subset of a database, a trigger at the consolidated database may refer to tables or rows that are present at the consolidated database, but not at the remote databases. You can design your triggers to avoid such errors by making actions of the trigger conditional using an IF statement. The following list suggests some ways in which triggers can be designed to work on consolidated and remote databases.

The RESOLVE UPDATE trigger is a special trigger type for the resolution of UPDATE conflicts, and is discussed in the section Conflict resolution examples. The actions of RESOLVE UPDATE triggers are replicated to remote databases, including the database that caused the conflict.

Contents Index Designing to avoid referential integrity errors Ensuring unique primary keys