Contents Index The primary key pool table Filling and replenishing the key pool

SQL Remote User's Guide
  SQL Remote Design for Adaptive Server Anywhere
    Ensuring unique primary keys

Replicating the primary key pool

You can either incorporate the key pool into an existing publication, or share it as a separate publication. In this example, we create a separate publication for the primary key pool.

To replicate the primary key pool (SQL)

  1. Create a publication for the primary key pool data.

       TABLE KeyPool SUBSCRIBE BY location
  2. Create subscriptions for each remote database to the KeyPoolData publication.

    TO KeyPoolData( 'user1' )
    FOR user1;
    TO KeyPoolData( 'user2' )
    FOR user2;

    The subscription argument is the location identifier.

In some circumstances it makes sense to add the KeyPool table to an existing publication and use the same argument to subscribe to each publication. Here we keep the location and rep_key values distinct to provide a more general solution.

See also

Contents Index The primary key pool table Filling and replenishing the key pool