SQL Remote User's Guide
SQL Remote Design for Adaptive Server Enterprise
Creating publications
Creating articles containing some of the rows in a table
The WHERE clause is used to exclude a set of rows from all subscriptions to a publication.
To create an article using a WHERE clause
If you have not already done so, mark the table for replication. You do this by executing the sp_add_remote_table procedure:
sp_add_remote_table table_name
Add the table to the publication. You do this by executing the sp_add_article procedure: Specify the column name corresponding to the WHERE column IS NOT NULL clause in the third argument to the procedure:
sp_add_article publication_name, table_name, column_name
Do not specify IS NOT NULL; it is implicit. Specify the column name only.
If you wish to include only a subset of the columns in the table, specify the columns using the sp_add_article_col procedure. You must include the column specified in your WHERE clause in the article.
The following set of statements create a publication containing a single article, which includes only those rows of test_table for which column col_1 is not null:
sp_create_publication test_pub sp_add_remote_table test_table sp_add_article test_pub, test_table, col_1 go