Contents Index Troubleshooting ftp problems Sharing SMTP/POP addresses

SQL Remote User's Guide
  SQL Remote Administration
    Using message types

The SMTP message system

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used in Internet e-mail products.

With the SMTP system, SQL Remote sends messages using Internet mail. The messages are encoded to a text format and sent in an e-mail message to the target database. The messages are sent using an SMTP server, and retrieved from a POP server: this is the way that many e-mail programs send and receive messages.

For a list of operating systems for which SMTP is supported, see Supported operating systems.

SMTP addresses and user IDs 

To use SQL Remote and an SMTP message system, each database participating in the setup requires a SMTP address, and a POP3 user ID and password. These are distinct identifiers: the SMTP address is the destination of each message, and the POP3 user ID and password are the name and password entered by a user when they connect to their mail box.

Separate e-mail account recommended 
It is recommended that a separate POP e-mail account be used for SQL Remote messages.

If you can not get the SMTP Link to work try connecting to the SMTP/POP3 server from the same machine on which the Message Agent is running using the same account and password. Use an Internet e-mail program that supports SMTP/POP3 and make sure to disable the program once the SMTP message link is working.

SMTP message control parameters 

Before the Message Agent connects to the message system to send or receive messages, the user must either have a set of control parameters already set on their machine, or must fill in a window with the needed information. This information is needed only on the first connection. It is saved and used as the default entries on subsequent connects.

The SMTP message system uses the following control parameters:

Sharing SMTP/POP addresses

Contents Index Troubleshooting ftp problems Sharing SMTP/POP addresses