Contents Index Sharing SMTP/POP addresses The VIM message system

SQL Remote User's Guide
  SQL Remote Administration
    Using message types

The MAPI message system

The Message Application Programming Interface (MAPI) is used in several popular e-mail systems, such as Microsoft Mail and later versions of Lotus cc:Mail.

For a list of operating systems for which MAPI is supported, see Supported operating systems.

MAPI addresses and user IDs 

To use SQL Remote and a MAPI message system, each database participating in the setup requires a MAPI user ID and address. These are distinct identifiers: the MAPI address is the destination of each message, and the MAPI user ID is the name entered by a user when they connect to their mail box.

MAPI message and the e-mail inbox 

Although SQL Remote messages may arrive in the same mailbox as e-mail intended for reading, they do not in general show up in your e-mail inbox.

SQL Remote sends application-defined messages, which MAPI identifies and hides when the mailbox is opened. In this way, users can use the same e-mail address and same connection to receive their personal e-mail and their database updates, yet the SQL Remote messages do not interfere with the mail intended for reading.

If a message is routed via the Internet, the special message type information is lost. The message then does show up in the recipient's mailbox.

MAPI message control parameters 

The MAPI message system uses the following control parameters:

Contents Index Sharing SMTP/POP addresses The VIM message system