Contents Index The VIM message system Message Agent batch and continuous modes

SQL Remote User's Guide
  SQL Remote Administration

Running the Message Agent

The SQL Remote Message Agent is a key component in SQL Remote replication. The Message Agent handles both the sending and receiving of messages. It carries out the following functions:

Executable names 

On Windows operating systems, the Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise is named ssremote.exe, and the Message Agent for Adaptive Server Anywhere is named dbremote.exe. On UNIX operating systems, the names are ssremote and dbremote, respectively.

The Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise uses a stable queue to hold transactions until they are no longer needed. For more information on the stable queue, see How the Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise works.

Message Agent batch and continuous modes
Connections used by the Message Agent
Replication system recovery procedures
Ensuring consistent Message Agent settings
The Message Agent and replication security
Troubleshooting errors at remote sites

Contents Index The VIM message system Message Agent batch and continuous modes