Contents Index Uses and limitations of passthrough mode Administering SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Administering SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Anywhere
    Using passthrough mode

Operations not replicated in passthrough mode

There are special considerations for some statements in passthrough mode.

Calling procedures 

When a stored procedure is called in passthrough mode using a CALL or EXEC statement, the CALL statement itself is replicated and none of the statements inside the procedure are replicated. It is assumed that the procedure on the replicate side has the correct effect.

Control of flow statements and cursor operations 

Control-flow statements such as IF and LOOP, as well as any cursor operations, are not replicated in passthrough mode. Any statements within the loop or control structure are replicated.

Operations on cursors are not replicated. Inserting rows through a cursor, updating rows in a cursor, or deleting rows through a cursor are not replicated in passthrough mode.

Static embedded SQL SET OPTION statements are not replicated. The following statement is not replicated in passthrough mode:


However, the following dynamic SQL statement is replicated:


Batch statements ( a group of statements surrounded with a BEGIN and END) are not replicated in passthrough mode. You receive an error message if you try to use batch statements in passthrough mode.

Contents Index Uses and limitations of passthrough mode Administering SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise