Contents Index The Message Agent and replication security Error reporting and handling

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Administering SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise
    Running the Message Agent

Running multiple Message Agents

The three phases of Message Agent operation are described in the section Message Agent operation phases. To summarize, these phases are:

You may wish to run separate copies of the Message Agent to carry out these different phases. You can specify which phases a given Message Agent is to execute on the Message Agent command line.

Specifying which phases to execute 

The command-line options are as follows:

There are several circumstances where you may wish to run multiple Message Agents.

How Message Agents are synchronized 

The operations of two or more Message Agents are synchronized by a table called sr_marker. This table has a single column called marker, of data type datetime.

When the Message Agent wants to wait for transactions to be scanned into the stable queue, it updates sr_marker and waits for it to work its way through the system. The column in sr_queue_state is also called marker, and contains the most recent marker to be scanned from the transaction log.

Contents Index The Message Agent and replication security Error reporting and handling