Contents Index Default error handling Adaptive Server Enterprise transaction log and backup management

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Administering SQL Remote for Adaptive Server Enterprise
    Error reporting and handling

Implementing error handling procedures

SQL Remote allows you to carry out some other process in addition to logging a message if an error occurs. The REPLICATION_ERROR database option allows you to specify a stored procedure to be executed by the Message Agent when an error occurs. By default no procedure is executed .

The procedure must have a single argument of type CHAR or VARCHAR. The procedure is called with any error messages and with the SQL statement that causes the error.

While the option allows you to track and monitor errors in replication, you must still design them out of your setup: this option is not intended to resolve such errors.

For example, the procedure could insert the errors into a table with the current time and remote user ID, and this information can then replicate back to the consolidated database. An application at the consolidated database can create a report or send e-mail to an administrator when errors show up.

For information on setting the REPLICATION_ERROR option, see SQL Remote options.

Contents Index Default error handling Adaptive Server Enterprise transaction log and backup management