Contents Index Extracting a remote database in Sybase Central Extraction utility options

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Utilities and Options Reference
    The Database Extraction utility

The extraction utility


To extract a remote Adaptive Server Anywhere database from a consolidated Adaptive Server Enterprise or Adaptive Server Anywhere database.


ssxtract | dbxtract } [ options ] [ directory ] subscriber

Option Description
-an database Creates a database file with the same settings as the database being unloaded and automatically reloads it.
-ac "keyword=value; ..." Connect to the database specified in the connect string to do the reload.
-b Do not start subscriptions
-c "keyword=value; ..." Supply database connection parameters
-d Unload data only
-e language,charset Specify the locale to be used
-f Extract fully qualified publications
-ii Internal unload, internal reload
-ix Internal unload, external reload
-j count Iteration count for view creation statements
-l level Perform all extraction operations at specified isolation level
-k Close window on completion
-n Extract schema definition only
-o file Output messages to file
-p character Escape character
-q Operate quietly: do not print messages or show windows
-r file Specify name of generated reload Interactive SQL command file (default "reload.sql")
-u Unordered data
-v Verbose messages
-x Use external table loads
-xf Exclude foreign keys
-xi External unload, internal reload
-xp Exclude stored procedures
-xt Exclude triggers
-xv Exclude views
-xx External unload, external load
-y Overwrite command file without confirmation
directory The directory to which the files are written. This is not needed if you use -an or -ac
subscriber The subscriber for whom the database is to be extracted.

ssxtract is the extraction utility for Adaptive Server Enterprise. It is run against a Adaptive Server Enterprise and creates a command file for a remote Adaptive Server Anywhere database.

dbxtract is the extraction utility for Adaptive Server Anywhere. It is run against an Adaptive Server Anywhere database and creates a command file for a remote Adaptive Server Anywhere database.

There is no extraction utility to create remote Adaptive Server Enterprise databases.

The extraction utility creates a command file and a set of associated data files. The command file can be run against a newly-initialized Adaptive Server Anywhere database to create the database objects and load the data for the remote database.

By default, the command file is named reload.sql.

If the remote user is a group, then all the user IDs that are members of that group are extracted. This allows multiple users on a remote database with different user IDs, without requiring a custom extraction process.

SSXtract notes 

Not all Adaptive Server Enterprise objects have corresponding objects in Adaptive Server Anywhere. The ssxtract utility has the following limitations:

For more information about the Extraction utility options, see Extraction utility options.

Contents Index Extracting a remote database in Sybase Central Extraction utility options