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SQL Remote User's Guide
  Utilities and Options Reference

The SQL Remote Open Server


To take replication data from Replication Server and apply it to the SQL Remote stable queue. This utility is needed only for databases participating in both Replication Server (and using a Replication Agent) and SQL Remote replication.


ssqueue [ options ] [ open-server-name ]

Option Description
open-server-name An open server name, which must be declared in the interfaces file.
-c "keyword=value; ..." Supply database connection parameters
-cq "keyword=value; ..." Supply database connection parameters for the stable queue
-dl Display messages in window
-k Close window on completion
-o file Output messages to file
-os file Maximum file size for logging output messages
-ot file Truncate file and log output messages
-q Run with minimized window
-ud Run as a daemon [UNIX]
-v Verbose operation

The SQL Remote Open Server is used to enable an Adaptive Server Enterprise database to take part in both SQL Remote replication while acting as a primary site in a Replication Server installation (or a replicate site using asynchronous procedure calls).

The name of the executable is as follows:

Option details 

open-server-name    Replication Server must connect to the SQL Remote Open Server, which therefore must have an open server name. This open server name is set at the command prompt, and must correspond to a master and query entry in the interfaces file on the machine running the SQL Remote Open Server, and to a query entry on the interfaces file of the machine running Replication Server.

The interfaces file is named sql.ini on Windows operating systems, and interfaces on UNIX.

The default value for the open server name is SSQueue.

-c    Specify connection parameters to the database holding the data being replicated. This connection is required for the SQL Remote Open Server to gain access to the SQL Remote system tables.

The connection parameters must come from the following list:

Parameter Description
UID Login ID
PWD Password
DBN (optional) Database name. If this parameter is not supplied, the connection defaults to the default database for the login ID.
ENG Server name.

-cq    Specify connection parameters for the stable queue. If not supplied, the values default to the -c values.

-dl    Display messages in the window or at the command prompt and also in the log file.

-k    Close window on completion.

-o    Append output to a log file. Default is to send output to the screen.

-os    Specifies the maximum file size for logging output messages. The allowed size can be specified as n (bytes), nK (kb), or nM (Mb). By default there is no limit, and the minimum limit is 10000 bytes.

Before SQL Remote logs output messages to a file, it checks the current file size. If the log message will make the filesize exceed the specified size, SQL Remote renames the output file to yymmddxx.dbr (for dbremote) and yymmddxx.ssr (for ssremote) where xx are sequential characters ranging from AA to ZZ, and yymmdd represents the current year, month, and date.

If the Message Agent us running in continuous mode for a long time, this option allows you to manually delete old log files and free up disk space.

-ot    Truncate the log file and then append output messages to it. Default is to send output to the screen.

-q    For Windowing operating systems only, starts the Message Agent with a minimized window.

-ud    On UNIX platforms, you can run the SQL Remote Open Server as a daemon by supplying the -ud option.

If you run as a daemon, you must also supply the -o or -ot option, to log output information.

-v    Verbose output. This option displays the SQL statements contained in the messages to the screen and, if the -o option is used, to a log file.

Contents Index Extraction utility options SQL Remote options