Contents Index SQL Remote system tables sr_article table

SQL Remote User's Guide
  System Objects for Adaptive Server Enterprise
    SQL Remote system tables

#remote table


This temporary table is created by the Message Agent to hold the name of the current remote user and of the current publisher. This table exists only in Adaptive Server Enterprise.

Column Data type Description
current_remote_user VARCHAR(128) Current remote user (from the Message Agent command line).
current_publisher VARCHAR(128) Current publisher

This is not a system table. When the Message Agent for Adaptive Server Enterprise connects to the server, it holds the value of the current remote user ID and the value of the current publisher in the #remote table. This temporary table is held in TEMPDB.

The values from #remote can be used in conflict resolution procedures.

The CREATE TABLE statement for this table is:

CREATE TABLE #remote (
   current_remote_user varchar(128),
   current_publisher varhcar(128)

The table has a single row.

Contents Index SQL Remote system tables sr_article table