Contents Index Stable Queue tables sr_transaction table

SQL Remote User's Guide
  System Objects for Adaptive Server Enterprise
    Stable Queue tables

sr_queue_state table


A single row table that stores persistent global information about the state of the stable queue.

Column Data type Description
version INT The stable queue version number
page_id INT Transaction log page_id of the last entry scanned.
row_id INT Transaction log row_id of the last entry scanned.
confirm_offset NUMERIC(20,0) The minimum value of the confirmation offsets received from all remote users. This value is used by the Message Agent to decide which transactions can be deleted from the stable queue.
commit_offset NUMERIC(20,0) The transaction log offset of the most recent transaction completed before the oldest incomplete transaction.
backup_offset NUMERIC(20,0) The transaction log offset of the last dump database or dump transaction command.

This information is used when the Message Agent is run with the -u option (replicate only backed up transactions).

marker DATETIME The most recent incoming message that has been scanned into the stable queue. When a message is applied to the Adaptive Server Enterprise server, it sets the time_received column in sr_remoteuser. When the transaction log is scanned and the transactions from that message are scanned into the stable queue, it sets the time_received column of sr_queue_state.

The purpose of the column is co-ordination between one Message Agent that is scanning the transaction log continuously and another Message Agent that is receiving messages and sending messages in batch mode. When in batch mode, the Message Agent receives messages, waits for those messages to be scanned into the stable queue, and then sends messages. The waiting is done through the database by looking at the time_received column of sr_queue_state.

confirmed_id NUMERIC(20,0) The sending thread deletes rows with confirmed_id less than this value from sr_confirmed_transaction.

Contents Index Stable Queue tables sr_transaction table