Contents Index sp_modify_remote_table procedure sp_passthrough_piece procedure

SQL Remote User's Guide
  Command Reference for Adaptive Server Enterprise

sp_passthrough procedure


To send a SQL statement in passthrough mode.


sp_passthrough statement

Argument Description
statement A string containing a statement to be executed in passthrough mode.
See also 

sp_passthrough_piece procedure

sp_passthrough_stop procedure

sp_passthrough_subscription procedure

sp_passthrough_user procedure



To send passthrough operations. The recipients of the passthrough statement are determined by previous calls to sp_passthrough_user and sp_passthrough_subscription.

The string must be less than 255 characters long. For SQL statements longer than 255 characters, you should execute a sequence of calls to the sp_passthrough_piece procedures, and execute sp_passthrough for the final piece of the statement and to cause the replication to occur.

Caution    You should always test your passthrough operations on a test database with a remote database subscribed. You should never run untested passthrough scripts against a production database.


Contents Index sp_modify_remote_table procedure sp_passthrough_piece procedure