Contents Index Monitoring and Improving Performance Request-level logging

ASA SQL User's Guide
  Monitoring and Improving Performance

Performance analysis tools

While improving database performance doesn't have to be labour-intensive, it's always best to start with a plan. Evaluate the current performance of your database, and consider all your options before changing anything. By re-evaluating your database schema using Adaptive Server Anywhere's performance features and performance analysis tools, you can diagnose and correct performance problems and keep your database performing at its optimum.

Ultimately, how well your database performs depends heavily on the design of its bones. And so, one of the most basic of ways of improving performance is with good schema design. The database schema is the skeleton of your database, and includes definitions of such things as tables, views, triggers, and the relationships between them. Re-evaluate your database schema and make note of the following areas where small changes can offer impressive gains.

A variety of tools are available to help you analyze and monitor the current performance of your Adaptive Server Anywhere database. Tools include request-level logging, procedure profiling, graphical plans, the Performance Monitor and timing utilities.

Request-level logging
Index Consultant
Procedure profiling
Graphical plan
Performance Monitor
Timing utilities

Contents Index Monitoring and Improving Performance Request-level logging