ASA SQL User's Guide
Monitoring and Improving Performance
Adaptive Server Anywhere includes a number of tools for testing the performance of queries. Complete documentation about each tool can be found in a Readme.txt file that is located in the same folder as the tool.
Function: Determines the time required for a result set to be retrieved.
Location: SQL Anywhere 9\Samples\Asa\PerformanceFetch
Function: Determines the time required for a result set to be retrieved. This function is similar to festchtst, but with less functionality.
Location: SQL Anywhere 9\Samples\Asa\PerformanceFetch
Function: Determines the time required for rows to be inserted into a table.
Location: SQL Anywhere 9\Samples\Asa\PerformanceInsert
Function: Measures the load that can be handled by a given server configuration given a database design and a set of transactions.
Location: SQL Anywhere 9\Samples\Asa\PerformanceTransaction
For information about system procedures that measure query execution times, see sa_get_request_profile system procedure and sa_get_request_times system procedure.