Contents Index Join conditions Joining two tables

ASA SQL User's Guide
  Joins: Retrieving Data from Several Tables
    Joins overview

Joined tables

Adaptive Server Anywhere supports the following classes of joined tables.

Inner and outer joins 

Key joins, natural joins and joins with an ON clause may be qualified by specifying INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, or FULL OUTER. The default is INNER. When using the keywords LEFT, RIGHT or FULL, the keyword OUTER is optional.

In an inner join, each row in the result satisfies the join condition.

In a left or right outer join, all rows are preserved for one of the tables, and for the other table nulls are returned for rows that do not satisfy the join condition. For example, in a right outer join the right side is preserved and the left side is null-supplying.

In a full outer join, all rows are preserved for both of the tables, and nulls are supplied for rows that do not satisfy the join condition.

Contents Index Join conditions Joining two tables