Contents Index The special IDENTITY column Writing compatible SQL statements

ASA SQL User's Guide
  Transact-SQL Compatibility
    Configuring databases for Transact-SQL compatibility
      The special IDENTITY column

Retrieving IDENTITY column values with @@identity

The first time you insert a row into the table, an IDENTITY column has a value of 1 assigned to it. On each subsequent insert, the value of the column increases by one. The value most recently inserted into an identity column is available in the @@identity global variable.

The value of @@identity changes each time a statement attempts to insert a row into a table.

This change is permanent. @@identity does not revert to its previous value if the statement fails or if the transaction that contains it is rolled back.

For more information on the behavior of @@identity, see @@identity global variable.

Contents Index The special IDENTITY column Writing compatible SQL statements