Contents Index Use fully-qualified names for tables in procedures Verifying that procedure input arguments are passed correctly

ASA SQL User's Guide
  Using Procedures, Triggers, and Batches
    Tips for writing procedures

Specifying dates and times in procedures

When dates and times are sent to the database from procedures, they are sent as strings. The date part of the string is interpreted according to the current setting of the DATE_ORDER database option. As different connections may set this option to different values, some strings may be converted incorrectly to dates, or the database may not be able to convert the string to a date.

You should use the unambiguous date format yyyy-mm-dd or yyyy/mm/dd when using data strings within procedures. The server interprets these strings unambiguously as dates, regardless of the DATE_ORDER database option setting.

For more information on dates and times, see Date and time data types.

Contents Index Use fully-qualified names for tables in procedures Verifying that procedure input arguments are passed correctly