UltraLite User's Guide
Developing Applications for the Palm Computing Platform
Developing UltraLite applications with GCC PRC-Tools
CustDB is a simple sales-status application. It is located in the UltraLite Samples directory of your installation. Generic files are located in the CustDB directory. Files specific to PRC Tools for the Palm Computing Platform are located in the prctools20 subdirectory of CustDB.
You must have the full set of PRC Tools installed before building the CustDB sample application, including the following:
Cygnus cygwin tools. The directory containing cygwin1.dll must be in your path.
GCC Tool chain for the Palm OS (PRC Tools 2.0). The multigen.exe utility must be in your path.
Palm SDK 3.5.
PilRC resource compiler tools. The pilrc.exe utility must be in your path.
To build the sample application
Open a command prompt window.
Change directory to the Samples\UltraLite\CustDB\prctools20 subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere directory.
Entering the following command:
The build.bat file contains instructions to build the UltraLite sample application.
Once you have built the sample application, you can use the Palm Desktop software deploy the custdb.prc executable to your target device.