UltraLite User's Guide
Developing UltraLite Java Applications
The UltraLite Java sample application
The code for the UltraLite Java sample application is held in the Samples\UltraLite\CustDB\java subdirectory of your SQL Anywhere directory.
The directory holds the following files:
Data access code The file CustDB.java holds the UltraLite-specific data access logic. The SQL statements are stored in SQL.sql.
User interface code The files DialogDelOrder.java, Dialogs.java, DialogNewOrder.java, and DialogUserID.java all hold user interface features.
readme.txt A text file containing detailed, release-dependent information about the sample.
Subdirectories There are two subdirectories in which you can run the sample. These are java11 (for Java 1) and java13 (for Java 2). You should make the former your current directory if you are using a 1.1.x version of the JDK, and the latter if you are using 1.2.x or later. These subdirectories contain batch files to run the samples. In each directory, the batch files depend on the JAVA_HOME environment variable, which should be set to the directory containing the JDK. For example:
SET JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.3.1
Batch files to build the application The files build.bat and clean.bat compile the application and delete all files except the source files, respectively.
Files to run the sample as an application The Application.java file contains instructions necessary for running the example as a Java application, and run.bat runs the sample application.
Files to run the sample as an applet The Applet.java file contains instructions necessary for running the example as a Java applet, and avapplet.bat runs the sample applet using the appletviewer, with custdb.html as the Web page.
You must install and start a Web server to run the sample as an applet. The applet can be run using the appletviewer utility or by using a Web browser. For more information, see the Samples\UltraLite\CustDB\Java\readme.txt file.