UltraLite User's Guide
Developing UltraLite Java Applications
Building UltraLite Java applications
To compile the generated file
Set your classpath
When you compile your UltraLite Java application, the Java compiler must have access to the following classes:
The Java runtime classes.
The UltraLite runtime classes
The target classes (usually in the current directory).
The following classpath gives access to these classes.
where JAVA_HOME represents your Java installation directory, and ASANY8 represents your SQL Anywhere installation directory.
For JDK 1.1 development, ulrt.jar is in a jdk11\lib subdirectory of the UltraLite\java directory.
Compile the classes.
With the classpath set as in step one, use javac and enter the following command (on a single line):
javac file.java
The compiler creates the class files for file.java.
The compilation step produces a number of class files. You must include all the generated .class files in your deployment.