Contents Index Upgrading the MobiLink synchronization server Upgrading UltraLite applications

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    Upgrading MobiLink

Upgrading Adaptive Server Anywhere MobiLink clients

In a production environment, you should only upgrade Adaptive Server Anywhere remote databases after you have upgraded the consolidated database and the MobiLink synchronization server.

There are several kinds of upgrade to consider:

Before any upgrade, you should synchronize all outstanding operations as a way of backing up the data in the remote database.

Upgrading the software 

It is recommended that you upgrade the dbmlsync MobiLink client and the Adaptive Server Anywhere database engine at the same time. You must upgrade the remote database before running the new dbmlsync utility.

Version 9 MobiLink clients require a MobiLink version 9 synchronization server for synchronization. Version 9 MobiLink clients do not synchronize with a MobiLink synchronization server older than version 9. For information on upgrading MobiLink, see Upgrading MobiLink.

Upgrading the remote database 

You can upgrade the Adaptive Server Anywhere remote database by running the Upgrade [dbugrad] utility or, for a more complete upgrade, you can upgrade the database file format.

Both of these operations can be carried out as described for Adaptive Server Anywhere databases. For instructions, see Upgrading a database, and Upgrading the database file format.

Upgrading applications 

When deploying a new version of a MobiLink application, it is recommended that you use a new version name for the synchronization scripts. For example, if the existing application uses a script version called v1, then the upgraded application could use a script version called v2. Both script versions can be in use at the same time. This makes it easier to upgrade the remote databases incrementally, rather than all at once.

Contents Index Upgrading the MobiLink synchronization server Upgrading UltraLite applications