What's New in SQL Anywhere Studio
Upgrading Version 5 Applications
Review of SQL Anywhere Version 5 architecture
If you are using SQL Anywhere as a network server, you have the following components on your server machine:
A SQL Anywhere Version 5 database
The SQL Anywhere Version 5 database server
You have the following components on your client machine:
The SQL Anywhere Version 5 Client executable
The SQL Anywhere Version 5 interface library.
The SQL Anywhere ODBC driver, if your application uses ODBC.
A SQL Anywhere Version 5.0 connection description. This may be an ODBC data source, or a connection string from an application.
The data source may contain connection information in the start option, corresponding to a SQL Anywhere Client command line. You may also have connection strings in your application, and batch files that start a client with a particular set of parameters and options.
The architecture of a Version 5 embedded SQL client/server connection is illustrated in the figure. For ODBC applications the ODBC driver manager and ODBC driver stand between the application and the interface library.