What's New in SQL Anywhere Studio
Upgrading Version 5 Applications
Capturing dbclient command information
During upgrade to Version 9, you must ensure that Version 5 dbclient command information is captured in such a way that the Version 9 ODBC or embedded SQL applications can use it. You can do this in one of the following ways:
Place the information in an ODBC data source If the information can be placed in a data source, you can use it with Version 9 ODBC or embedded SQL applications.
Use the SQLCONNECT environment variable The SQLCONNECT environment variable contains a connection string. It is searched early in the process of establishing which connection parameters to use. You may be able to use SQLCONNECT settings to override connection parameters.
The way to capture client command information depends on where the information is located.
Your existing command line information may be held in one of the following places.
ODBC data source The ODBC data source contains a START parameter that can hold a client executable command.
As a connection string Your application may obtain client information (for example from an initialization file), and supply it in a connection string as the START parameter.
A batch file You may have a batch file that includes a client executable command line as part of your startup process.
Under an icon You may have a client executable command line under an icon on your desktop.
From an ODBC data source The ODBC data source upgrade captures the information in an ODBC data source START parameter.
From a batch file or under an icon You can move the dbclient.exe parameters into your CommLinks connection parameter.
Hard-wired connection strings Only if you have a hard-wired connection string in your application (that is, one that cannot be edited), you must alter the source of the application and recompile.