Contents Index Using the ULConnection object Accessing data using dynamic SQL

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  Understanding UltraLite for MobileVB Development
    Connecting to the UltraLite database

Encryption and obfuscation

For background information about database encryption, see Encrypting UltraLite databases.

You can encrypt or obfuscate your UltraLite database when using UltraLite for MobileVB. When you call CreateDatabaseWithParms and pass in the ConnectionParms object, with a value in place for EncryptionKey, the database is created with encryption. A way to change the encryption key is by specifying the new encryption key on the Connection object. In this example, "apricot" is the key.

Connection.ChangeEncryptionKey( "apricot" )

Connections to the database, such as OpenConnectionWithParms, must, after the database is encrypted, specify apricot as the EncryptionKey property. Otherwise, the connection fails.

To obfuscate the database, obfuscate=1 as a creation parameter.

Contents Index Using the ULConnection object Accessing data using dynamic SQL