Contents Index Data manipulation: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Get column values from your database

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  Understanding UltraLite for MobileVB Development
    Accessing data using dynamic SQL

Data retrieval: SELECT

Use the SELECT statement to retrieve information from the database.

To execute a SELECT query using ExecuteQuery:

  1. Declare variables required for the operation:

    Dim PrepStmt As ULPreparedStatement
    Dim MyResultSet As ULResultSet
  2. Assign a prepared statement to your ULPreparedStatement object.

    Set PrepStmt = Connection.PrepareStatement( _
      "SELECT Name FROM customer")
  3. Execute the statement. In the following code, a MobileVB listbox captures the result of the SELECT query.

     Set MyResultSet = PrepStmt.ExecuteQuery
     While MyResultSet.MoveNext
       aflistbox1.AddItem MyResultSet.GetString(1)

For more information on moving through result sets, see Navigating through Dynamic SQL result sets

Get column values from your database

Contents Index Data manipulation: INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE Get column values from your database