Contents Index Move through a result set Accessing data using the table-based API

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  Understanding UltraLite for MobileVB Development
    Accessing data using dynamic SQL

Result set schema description

The ULResultSet.Schema property allows you to retrieve result set schema properties. Available properties include ColumnName, ColumnCount, ColumnPrecision, ColumnScale, ColumnSize and ColumnSQLType. The following example shows how you can use ULResultSet.Schema to display schema information in a MobileVB grid. The example assumes you have a ResultSet named MyResultSet and a MobileVB grid named grdSchema.

Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To MyResultSet.Schema.ColumnCount
  grdSchema.AddItem (MyResultSet.Schema.ColumnName(i) _
  & Chr(9) & MyResultSet.Schema.ColumnSQLType(i)), 0
Next i
grdSchema.AddItem _
  ("Column Name" & Chr(9) & "Column Type"), 0

Contents Index Move through a result set Accessing data using the table-based API