Contents Index Accessing the values of the current row Searching for rows with Find and Lookup

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  Understanding UltraLite for MobileVB Development
    Accessing data using the table-based API

Fetching BLOB data

You can fetch BLOB data for columns declared BINARY or LONG BINARY. The following example illustrates how you can fetch BLOB data:

Dim table as ULTable
Dim col As ULColumn
Dim data(1 to 1024) As Byte
Dim data_fit As Boolean
Dim size As Long

Set table = Conn.GetTable("image")

size = 1024
Set col = table.GetColumn("img_data")
data_fit = col.GetBytes(VarPtr(data(1)), size)
If data_fit Then
  'No truncation
  'data truncated at 1024
End if

Contents Index Accessing the values of the current row Searching for rows with Find and Lookup