Contents Index ULColumn class AppendByteChunk method

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULColumn class


Prototype Description
BooleanValue As Boolean Gets or sets the value of this column for the current row as Boolean.
ByteValue As Byte Gets or sets the value of this column for the current row as Byte.
DatetimeValue As Date Gets or sets the value of this column for the current row as Date.
DoubleValue As Double Gets or sets the value of this column for the current row as Double.
IntegerValue As Integer Gets or sets the value of this column for the current row as Integer.
IsNull As Boolean (read only) Indicates whether the column value is NULL.
LongValue As Long Gets or sets the value of this column for the current row as Long.
RealValue As Single Gets or sets the value of this column for the current row as Single.
Schema As ULColumnSchema (read only) Gets the object representing the schema of the column.
StringValue As String Gets or sets the value of this column for the current row as a String.
UUIDValue As String Gets or sets the value of this column as a UUID.

UltraLite stores universally unique identifiers (UUID's) as binary values. The column must be of binary type and able to store at least 16 bytes.

When getting this property, UltraLite converts the column value to a string representation of the UUID. If the value is not a valid UUID, a SQLE_CONVERSION_ERROR is raised.

When setting this property, UltraLite converts the string form of the UUID to a binary value before storing it in the database.

Contents Index ULColumn class AppendByteChunk method