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UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULColumn class

SetByteChunk method


SetByteChunk ( _
   data As Long, _
   length As Long _
Member of UltraLiteAFLib.ULColumn


Sets data in a TypeBinary or TypeLongBinary column.


data    A pointer to an array of bytes. To get the pointer to the array of bytes, use the Visual Basic VarPtr() function.

length    The length of the array.

Errors set 
Error Description
ulSQLE_CONVERSION_ERROR The error occurs if the column data type is not BINARY or LONG BINARY.
ulSQLE_INVALID_PARAMETER The error occurs if the data length is less than 0.
ulSQLE_INVALID_PARAMETER The error occurs if the data length is greater than 64K.

In the following example, edata is a column name and the first 232 bytes of the data variable are stored in the database.

Dim data (1 to 512) As Byte
table.Column("edata").SetByteChunk( VarPtr(data(1)), 232)

Contents Index GetStringChunk method SetNull method