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    ULPreparedStatement class

AppendByteChunkParameter method


AppendByteChunkParameter (
   param_id As Integer,
   data As Long,
   data_len As Long)
Member of UltraLiteAFLib.ULPreparedStatement


Appends the buffer of bytes to the row's column if the type is ulTypeLongBinary.


parameter_id    The 1-based parameter number to set.

data    The array of bytes to be appended.

data_len    The number of bytes from the array to append.

Errors set 
Error Description
ulSQLE_INVALID_PARAMETER The error occurs if the data length is less than 0.
ulSQLE_CONVERSION_ERROR The error occurs if the column data type is not LONG BINARY

Contents Index Properties AppendStringChunkParameter method