Contents Index ContainsTable method Properties

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference

ULResultSet class

The ULResultSet object moves over rows returned by a SQL query. Since the ULResultSet object contains the data returned by a query, you must refresh any query resultset after you have performed DML operations such as INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE. To do this, you should perform ExecuteQuery after you perform ExecuteStatement.

Close method
GetByteChunk method
GetStringChunk method
MoveAfterLast method
MoveBeforeFirst method
MoveFirst method
MoveLast method
MoveNext method
MovePrevious method
MoveRelative method
IsNull method
GetDatetime method
GetDouble method
GetInteger method
GetLong method
GetReal method
GetString method

Contents Index ContainsTable method Properties