Contents Index ULSyncParms class AddAuthenticationParm method

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULSyncParms class


The following are properties of ULSyncParms:

Prototype Description
CheckpointStore As Boolean If true, adds checkpoints of the database during synchronization to limit database growth during the synchronization process. This is most useful for large downloads with many updates.

See Checkpoint Store synchronization parameter.

DownloadOnly As Boolean Indicates if a synchronization only downloads data.


NewPassword As String Change a user password to this new password string on the next synchronization.
Password As String The password corresponding to a given user name.
PingOnly As Boolean If true, check the server for liveness, but do not synchronize data.
PublicationMask As Long Specify the publications to synchronize. The default is to synchronize alll data.
SendColumnNames As Boolean If SendColumnNames is true, column names are sent to the MobiLink synchronization server. Column names must be sent to the MobiLink synchronization server for automatic script generation.
SendDownloadAck As Boolean If SendDownloadAck is true, a download acknowledgement is sent during synchronization.
Stream As ULStreamType constants Set the type of stream to use during synchronization.
StreamParms As String Set extra parameters for the given stream type.
UploadOnly As Boolean Indicates whether a synchronization only uploads data.
UserName As String The MobiLink user name for synchronization.
Version As String The synchronization script version to run.

The following example sets synchronization parameters for an UltraLite for MobileVB application.

Private Sub btnSync_Click()
    With Connection.SyncParms
        .UserName = "afsample"
        .Stream = ULStreamType.ulTCPIP
        .Version = "ul_default"
        .SendColumnNames = True
    End With
End Sub

Contents Index ULSyncParms class AddAuthenticationParm method