Contents Index ULSyncResult class ULSyncState enumeration

UltraLite for MobileVB User's Guide
  UltraLite for MobileVB API Reference
    ULSyncResult class


The following are properties of ULSyncResult:

Prototype Description
AuthStatus As AuthStatusCode (read-only) Gets the authorization status code for the last synchronization.
IgnoredRows As Boolean (read-only) Indicates whether rows were ignored during the last synchronization.
StreamErrorCode As ULStreamErrorCode (read-only) Gets the error code reported by the synchronization stream.
StreamErrorContext As ULStreamErrorContext (read-only) Gets the basic network operation performed.
StreamErrorID As ULStreamErrorID (read-only) Gets the network layer reporting the error.
StreamErrorSystem As Long (read-only) Gets the stream error system-specific code.
UploadOK As Boolean (read-only) Indicates whether data was uploaded successfully in the last synchronization.

Contents Index ULSyncResult class ULSyncState enumeration