Contents Index Sharing MobiLink and UltraLite user IDs Encrypting UltraLite databases

UltraLite Static Java User's Guide
  Adding Non Data Access Features to UltraLite Applications

Configuring and managing database storage

You can configure the following aspects of UltraLite persistent storage:

This configuration is controlled by the UL_STORE_PARMS macro, which is placed in the header of your application source code so that it is visible to all db_init() or ULPalmLaunch calls. The encryption key and page size can be used on any supported C/C++ platform, while the other keys cannot be used on the Palm Computing Platform.

For more information, see UL_STORE_PARMS macro.

Encrypting UltraLite databases
Defragmenting UltraLite databases

Contents Index Sharing MobiLink and UltraLite user IDs Encrypting UltraLite databases