All applets and any applications invoked with a security manager
must be granted explicit permission to access local system
resources apart from read access to the directory and its
subdirectories where the program is invoked.
The JavaTM platform provides
permissions to allow various levels of access to different types
of local information.
Because permissions let an applet or application override the
default security policy, you
should be very careful when you assign permissions to not
create an opening for malicious code to attack your system.
This appendix describes the available permissions and explains
how each permission can create an opening for malicious attacks.
One way to use this information is to help you limit what permissions
a given applet or application might need to successfully execute.
Another way to use this information is to educate yourself
on the ways in which a particular permission can be exploited
by malicious code.
As a safeguard, never trust an unknown applet or application.
Always check the code carefully against the information in this
appendix to be sure you are not giving malicious
code permission to cause serious problems on the local system.
Permissions are granted to a program with a policy file.
A policy file contains permissions for specific access. A permission consists
of the permission name, a target, and in some cases, a comma-separated list
of actions.
For example, the following policy file entry specifies a permission that grants
read access (the action) to the
${user.home}/text2.txt target.
grant {
"${user.home}/text2.txt", "read";
There is one policy file for Java platform installation (system)
and an optional policy
file for each user. The system policy file is in
{java.home}/lib/security/java.policy , and the
user policy file is in each user's home directory.
The system and user policy files are combined.
So for example,there could be a system policy file with very few permissions
granted to all users on the system, and individual policy files
granting additional permissions to certain users.
To run an application with the security manager and a policy file
named polfile in the user's home directory, type:
java FileIO
To run an applet in appletviewer with a policy file named
polfile in the user's home directory, type:
appletviewer fileIO.html
When running an applet in a browser, the browser looks for
the user and system policy files to find the permissions the
applet needs to access local system resources on behalf of the
user who downloaded the applet.
Knowing Which Permissions
When you run an applet or invoke an application with a security
manager that needs permissions, you will get a stack
trace if you did not provide a policy file with all the needed
permissions. The stack trace contains the information you
need to add the permission to the policy file that caused the
stack trace. If the program needs additional permissions, you will
keep getting stack traces until all the required permissions
are added to the policy file.
The only drawback to this approach is you have to try every
possible code path in your application.
Another way to determine which permission your program needs is
to browse Appendix B: Methods and Permissions.
This appendix tells you which Java 2 platform software methods are
prevented from executing without the listed permission.
The information in Appendix B is also useful for developers
who want to write their own security manager to customize
the verifications and approvals needed in a program.
Here is a short example to show you how to translate the first
couple of lines in a stack trace to a policy file entry. The first
line tells you access is denied. This means this stack trace was
generated because the program tried to access a system resource
without the proper permission. The second line means you need a that gives the program
permission to connect to and resolve
the host name for Internet Protocol (IP) address,
port 1521. access denied
( connect,resolve)
To turn this into a policy file entry, list the permission name,
a target, and an action list as follows where is the permission name, is the target, and
connect,resolve is the action list.
grant {
"", "connect,resolve";
AllPermission specifies all permissions
in the system for all possible targets and actions.
This permission should be used only during testing because it
grants permission to run with all security restrictions disabled
as if there were no security manager.
grant {
java.awt.AWTPermission grants
access to the following Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) targets.
The possible targets are listed by name with no action list.
grant {
permission java.awt.AWTPermission
permission java.awt.AWTPermission
permission java.awt.AWTPermission
This target grants permission to post information to and retrieve
information from the AWT clipboard. Granting this permission
could allow malicious code to share potentially sensitive or
confidential information.
This target grants permission to access the AWT event queue.
Granting this permission could allow malicious code to
peek at and remove existing events from the system, or post bogus
events that could cause the application or applet to perform
malicious actions.
This target grants permission to listen to all AWT events
throughout the system. Granting this permission could allow
malicious code to read and exploit confidential user input
such as passwords.
Each AWT event listener is called from within the context of
that event queue's EventDispatchThread , so if the
accessEventQueue permission is also enabled, malicious
code could modify the contents of AWT event queues throughout the
system, which can cause the application or applet to perform
unintended and malicious actions.
This target grants permission to read pixels back from the
display screen. Granting this permission could allow
interfaces such as java.awt.Composite that
allow arbitrary code to examine pixels on the display to
include malicious code that snoops on user activities.
This target grants permission to display a window without also displaying
a banner warning that the window was created by an applet. Without this
warning, an applet might pop up windows without the user knowing they
belong to an applet. This could be a problem in environments where
users make security-sensitive decisions based on whether the window belongs to
an applet or an application. For example, disabling the banner warning might
trick the end user into entering sensitive user name
and password information.
FilePermission grants access to a
file or directory. The targets consist of the target pathname and
a comma-separated list of actions.
This policy file grants read, write, delete, and execute
permission to all files.
grant {
"<<ALL FILES>>", "read, write, delete, execute";
This policy file grants read and write permission to text.txt
in the user's home directory.
grant {
"${user.home}/text.txt", "read, write";
You can use the following wild cards to specify the target
- A pathname that ends in
/* , where /* is
the file separator character indicates
a directory and all the files contained in that directory.
- A pathname that ends with
/- indicates a directory, and
recursively, all files and subdirectories contained in that directory.
- A pathname consisting of a single asterisk (
* )
indicates all files in the current directory.
- A pathname consisting of a single dash (
- )
indicates all files in the current directory, and recursively, all files
and subdirectories contained in the current directory.
The actions are specified in a list of comma-separated
keywords and have the following meanings:
- read: Permission to read a file or directory.
- write: Permission to write to and create a file or directory.
- execute: Permission to execute a file or search a directory.
- delete: Permission to delete a file or directory.
When granting file permissions, always think about the implications
of granting read and especially write access to various files and
directories. The <<ALL FILES>> permission with write
action is especially dangerous because it grants permission to write to the
entire file system. This means the system binary can be replaced, which
includes the Java1 Virtual Machine (VM) runtime environment.
NetPermission grants access to various
network targets. The possible targets are listed by name with no action list.
grant {
This target grants permission to set the
way authentication information is retrieved when
a proxy or HTTP server asks for authentication. Granting this permission
could mean malicious code can set an authenticator that monitors and
steals user authentication input as it retrieves the input from the user.
This target grants permission to ask the authenticator registered with
the system for a password. Granting this permission could mean malicious code
might steal the password.
This target grants permission to specify a stream handler when constructing a
Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Granting this permission could mean malicious
code might create a URL with resources to which it would not normally have
access, or specify a stream handler that gets the actual bytes from
somewhere to which it does
have access. This means the malicious code could trick the system into
creating a ProtectionDomain/CodeSource for a class even though
the class really did not come from that location.
java.util.PropertyPermission grants access to
system properties. The java.util.Properties class
represents persistent settings such as the location of
the installation directory, the user name, or the
user's home directory.
grant {
permission java.util.PropertyPermission
"java.home", "read";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission
"", "write";
permission java.util.PropertyPermission
"", "read, write";
The target list contains the name of the property;
for example, java.home or .
The naming convention for the properties follows the hierarchical
property naming convention, and includes wild cards. An asterisk
at the end of the property name, after a dot (. ), or alone
signifies a wild card match. For example, java.* or
* are valid, but *java or
a*b are invalid.
The actions are specified in a list of comma-separated keywords,
and have the following meanings:
- read: Permission to read (get) a property.
- write: Permission to write (set) a property.
Granting property permissions can leave your system open
to intrusion. For example, granting permission to access the
java.home property makes the
installation directory vulnerable to attack, and granting permission
to access the and user.home properties
might reveal the user's account name and home directory to code that might
misuse the informaiton.
java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission grants
permission for various reflective operations. The possible targets
are listed by name with no action list.
grant {
permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission
This target grants permission to access fields and invoke methods in a class.
This includes public, protected, and private fields and methods.
Granting this permission could reveal confidential
information and make normally unavailable methods accessible to
malicious code.
grants access to various runtime targets such as the
class loader, Java VM, and thread. The possible targets
are listed by name with no action list.
grant {
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
"loadLibrary.<library name>";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
"accessClassInPackage.<package name>";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
"defineClassInPackage.<package name>";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
"accessDeclaredMembers.<class name>";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission
The naming convention for target information where a library,
package, or class name is added follows the hierarchical
property naming convention, and includes wild cards. An asterisk at
the end of the target name, after a dot (. ), or alone
signifies a wild card match. For example, loadLibrary.*
or * are valid, but
*loadLibrary or a*b are not.
This target grants permission to create a class loader.
Granting this permission might allow a malicious
application to instantiate its own class loader and load
harmful classes into the system. Once loaded, the class loader
could place these classes into any protection domain and give them full
permissions for that domain.
This target grants permission to retrieve the class loader for the
calling class. Granting this permission could enable malicious
code to get the class loader for a particular class and load
additional classes.
This target grants permission to set the context class loader used by
a thread. System code and extensions use the context class loader
to look up resources that might not exist in the system
class loader. Granting this permission allows
code to change which context class loader is used
for a particular thread, including system threads. This
can cause problems if the context class loader has malicious
This target grants permission to set or replace the security manager.
The security manager is a class that allows applications to implement a
security policy. Granting this permission could enable malicious
code to install a less restrictive manager, and thereby,
bypass checks that would have been enforced by the original security manager.
This target grants permission to create a new security manager.
Granting this permission could give malicious code access to protected
and sensitive methods that might
disclose information about other classes or the execution stack.
It could also allow the introduction of a weakened security manager.
This target grants permission to halt the Java VM.
Granting this permission could allow malicious code to mount
a denial-of-service attack by automatically forcing the VM to
This target grants permission to set the socket factory used by
the ServerSocket or Socket class, or
the stream handler factory used by the URL class.
Granting this permission allows code to set the actual
implementation for the socket, server socket, stream handler, or
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) socket factory.
An attacker might set a faulty implementation that mangles the data
This target grants permission to change the value of the
System.out , , and System.err standard
system streams. Granting this permission could allow an attacker
to change to steal user input, or
set System.err to a null output stream,
which would hide any error messages sent to System.err .
This target grants permission to modify threads by calls
to the stop , suspend , resume ,
setPriority , and setName methods in the
Thread class.
Granting this permission could allow an attacker to start or suspend
any thread in the system.
This target grants permission to stop threads. Granting this
permission allows code to stop any thread in
the system provided the code already has permission to access that
thread. Malicious code could corrupt the system by killing existing threads.
This target grants permission to modify threads by calls to the
destroy , resume , setDaemon ,
setmaxPriority , stop , and suspend
methods of the ThreadGroup class.
Granting this permission could allow an attacker to create thread groups and
set their run priority.
This target grants permission to retrieve the ProtectionDomain
instance for a class. Granting this permission allows code to obtain
policy information for that code source. While obtaining policy information
does not compromise the security of the system, it does give
attackers additional information, such as local file names for
example, to better aim an attack.
This target grants permission to read file descriptors.
Granting this permission allows code to read the particular
file associated with the file descriptor, which is dangerous
if the file contains confidential data.
This target grants permission to write file descriptors.
Granting this permission allows code to write to the file
associated with the descriptor, which is dangerous if the
file descriptor points to a local file.
loadLibrary.{library name}:
This target grants permission to dynamically link the specified library.
Granting this permission could be dangerous because the security
architecture is not designed to and does not extend to native
code loaded by way of the java.lang.System.loadLibrary method.
accessClassInPackage.{package name}
This target grants permission to access the specified package
by way of a class loader's loadClass method when
that class loader calls the SecurityManager.checkPackageAcesss
method. Granting this permission gives code access to classes in packages
to which it normally does not have access. Malicious code
may use these classes to help in its attempt to compromise
security in the system.
defineClassInPackage.{package name}:
This target grants permission to define classes in the
specified package by way of a class loader's defineClass
method when that class loader calls
the SecurityManager.checkPackageDefinition method.
Granting this permission allows code to define a class in a
particular package, which can be dangerous because malicious
code with this permission might define rogue classes in
trusted packages like or java.lang ,
for example.
This target grants permission to access the declared members of
a class. Granting this permission allows code to query a class for
its public, protected, default (package), and private fields and
methods. Although the code would have
access to the private and protected field and method names, it would not
have access to the private and protected field data and would not be able
to invoke any private methods. Nevertheless, malicious code
may use this information to better aim an attack. Additionally, malicious
code might invoke any public methods or access public fields
in the class, which could be dangerous if
the code would normally not be able to invoke those methods or
access the fields because
it cannot cast the object to the class or interface with those methods
and fields.
This target grants permission to initiate a print job request.
Granting this permission could allow code to print sensitive
information to a printer or maliciously waste paper.
grants access to various security configuration parameters.
The possible targets are listed by name with no action list.
Security permissions currently apply to methods called
on the following objects: , which represents the
system security policy for applications. , which centralizes
all security properties and common security methods. It
manages providers. , which represetns an
implementation of such things as security algorithms (DSA,
RSA, MD5, or SHA-1) and key generation. , which manages private
keys. Even though, Signer is deprecated, the
related permissions are available for backwards compatibility. , which manages real-world
objects such as people, companies, or organizations whose
identities can be authenticated using their public keys.
grant {
"putProviderProperty.<provider name>";
This target grants permission to retrieve the system-wide security
policy. Granting this permission discloses which permissions would be
granted to a given application or applet.
While revealing the policy does not compromise the security of
the system, it does provide malicious code with additional information
it could use to better aim an attack.
This target grants permission to set the system-wide security
policy. Granting this permission could allow malicious code to
grant itself all the necessary permissions to successfully mount
an attack an attack on the system.
This target grants permission to retrieve the security property
specified by {key} .
Depending on the particular key for which access has
been granted, the code may have access to the list of security
providers and the location of the system-wide and user
security policies. While revealing this information does not
compromise the security of the system, it does provide malicious
code with additional information which it may use to better aim
an attack.
This target grants permission to set the security property
specified by {key} .
This could include setting a security provider or defining
the location of the the system-wide security policy. Malicious
code that has permission to set a new security provider may
set a rogue provider that steals confidential information such
as cryptographic private keys. In addition, malicious code with
permission to set the location of the system-wide security policy
may point it to a security policy that grants the attacker
all the necessary permissions it requires to successfully mount
an attack on the system.
insertProvider.{provider name}:
This target grants permission to add the new security provider specified
by {provider name} . Granting this permission allows
the introduction of a possibly malicious provider that could do
such things as disclose the private keys passed to it. This is possible
because the Security object, which manages the installed
providers, does not currently check the integrity or authenticity of a
provider before attaching it.
removeProvider.{provider name}:
This target grants permission to remove the provider specified by
{provider name} . Granting this permission could
change the behavior or disable execution of other
parts of the program. If a provider requested by the
program has been removed, execution might fail.
This target grants permission to set the system identity scope.
Granting this permission could allow an attacker to configure the system
identity scope with certificates that should not be trusted. This
could grant code signed with those certificates privileges that would
be denied by the original identity scope.
This target grants permission to set the public key for
an Identity object.
If the identity is marked trusted, this allows an attacker to
introduce its own public key that is not trusted
by the system's identity scope.This could grant code signed with that
public key privileges that would be otherwise denied.
This target grants permission to set a general information string
for an Identity object.
Granting this permission allows attackers to set the general
description for an identity. Doing so could trick applications
into using a different identity than intended or prevent applications
from finding a particular identity.
This target grants permission to add a certificate for an
Identity object. Granting this permission allows
attackers to set a certificate for an
identity's public key making the public key trusted to a wider
wider audience than originally intended.
This target grants permission to remove a certificate for
an Identity object.
Granting this permission allows attackers to remove a
certificate for an identity's public key. This could be
dangerous because public key suddenly
becomes considered less trustworthy than it otherwise would be.
This target grants permission to print out the name of a principal,
the scope in which the principal is used, and whether the
principal is considered trusted in that scope.
The printed scope could be a filename, in which case
it might convey local system information. For example, here is a sample
printout of an identity named carol, who is
marked not trusted in the user's identity database:
carol[/home/luehe/identitydb.obj][not trusted].
clearProviderProperties.{provider name}
This target grants permission to clear a Provider
object so it no longer contains the properties
used to look up services implemented by the provider.
Granting this permission disables the lookup of services
implemented by the provider. This could change the behavior
or disable execution of other
parts of the program that would normally utilize the Provider, as
described under the removeProvider.{provider name}
permission above.
putProviderProperty.{provider name}:
This target grants permission to set properties for the
specified provider.
The provider properties each specify the name and location
of a particular service implemented by the provider. Granting
this permission allows code to replace the service specification
with another one with a different implementation and could
be dangerous if the new implementation has malicaious code.
removeProviderProperty.{provider name}:
This target grants permission to remove properties from the
specified provider. Granting this permission disables the lookup
of services implemented by the provider making them inaccessible.
Granting this permission to malicious code could allow the
malicious code to change the behavior or disable execution
of other parts of the program that would normally utilize the
Provider object, as described under the
removeProvider.{provider name} permission above.
This target grants permission to retrieve the private key of a
Signer object. Private keys should always be kept secret.
Granting this permission could allow malicious code to use the
private key to sign files and
claim the signature came from the Signer object.
This target grants permission to set the public and private key pair
for a Signer object. Granting this permission could allow
an attacker to replace the target's key pair with a possibly weaker
(smaller) key pair. This would also allow an attacker to listen in on encrypted
communication between the target and its peers. The target's peers
might wrap an encryption session key under the target's new public
key, which would allow the attacker (who possesses the corresponding
private key) to unwrap the session key and decipher the communication
data encrypted under that session key.
SerializablePermission grants access
to serialization operations. The possible targets are listed by name
with no action list.
grant {
This target grants permission to implement a subclass of
ObjectOutputStream or ObjectInputStream
to override the default serialization or deserialization
of objects. Granting this permission could allow code to use this to
serialize or deserialize classes in a malicious way. For example,
during serialization, malicious code could store confidential private
field data in a way easily accessible to attackers; or,
during deserialization malicious code could deserialize
a class with all its private fields zeroed out.
This target grants permission to substitute one object for another
during serialization or deserialization. Granting this permission
could allow malicious code to replace the actual object with one that
has incorrect or malignant data.
The permission grants access
to a network by way of sockets. The target is a host name and
port address, and the action list specifies ways to
connect to that host. Possible connections are accept ,
connect , listen , and resolve .
This policy file entry allows
a connection to and accepts connections on port 7777 on
the host .
grant {
"connect, accept";
This policy file entry allows connections to, accepts
connections on, and listens on any port between 1024 and 65535 on
the local host.
grant {
"accept, connect, listen";
The host is expressed with the following syntax
as a DNS name, as a numerical IP address,
or as localhost (for the local machine).
The asterisk (* ) wild card can be included once in a
DNS name host specification. If included, it must be in the left-most
position, as in * .
host = (hostname | IPaddress)[:portrange]
portrange = portnumber | -portnumber |
The port or port range is optional. A port specification of the
form N- , where N is a port number, means all
ports numbered N and above, while a specification of the
form -N indicates all ports numbered N
and below.
The listen action is only meaningful when used with
localhost , and the resolve
(resolve host/ip name service lookups) action is implied
when any of the other actions are present.
Granting code permission to accept or make connections to remote
hosts may be dangerous because malevolent code can more easily
transfer and share confidential data among parties that might not
otherwise have access to the data.
Note: On Unix platforms, only root is normally
allowed access to ports lower than 1024.
1 As used on this web site,
the terms "Java virtual
machine" or "JVM" mean a virtual machine
for the Java platform.