apache > xml > graphics
Apache Batik

Projects using Batik

Examples of projects and products using Batik

While it is hard to track projects and products which are using Batik, here are a few that are known of:

  • The Apache Cocoon project uses Batik to rasterize SVG images.
  • The Apache FOP project uses Batik to handle SVG images. It uses the SVG rasterizer and extends the Batik transcoder architecture to offer SVG to PDF conversion.
  • eDoc Studio, a page layout package, uses the Batik SVG generator to export pages to SVG.
  • ElixirTech’s ElixirReport uses Batik for charting and for its SVG component.
  • GLIPS Graffiti is an Open Source Extensible Full Feature Native SVG Editor.
  • ILOG Discovery Preview, a free visual data analysis tool letting you visualize and edit data sets in a very wide variety of views (2D graphs and charts, various kinds of treemaps, parallel coordinates, parallel histograms and much more), uses the Batik SVG export module.
  • ILOG JViews Component Suite, a product for advanced visualization, uses and extends the Batik SVG export module.
  • The JFreeChart Project uses Batik to export charts in the SVG format.
  • Lagoon, an XML-based framework for web site maintenance, uses the Batik SVG Rasterizer to render SVG as bitmap graphics for web publishing.
  • Lords Map is a program to allow players and visitors to view the current map of various campaigns. Lords Map uses Batik’s SVG DOM and SVG Generator.
  • Luxor XUL is a free, open-source XML User Interface Language (XUL) toolkit in Java released under the GNU GPL that supports hand-picked Mozilla XUL goodies and also includes a ultra-lightweight, multi-threaded web server, a portal engine, a scripting engine, a template engine and much more. Gerard Bauer, the Luxor project lead, has written an extensive SVG presentation.
  • OptimalJ, a UML Class Diagram Editor for NetBeans, uses Batik to export SVG.
  • Oracle Corp.’s JDeveloper10i uses Batik to export class diagrams in SVG. It uses the SVG export module.
  • Sketsa is a vector drawing application based on Batik. With Sketsa, you can create vector graphics that can be scaled and printed at any resolution, without losing detail or clarity.
  • Svolgo, a Graph Visualisation/Transformation Framework for the Semantic Web Cross-model transformation, node and arc diagrams, representation in SVG. This project uses Batik’s SVG DOM implementation.
  • Volity is an open platform for Internet-based multiplayer casual gaming. Its official client, Gamut, uses Batik, allowing developers to create game UI files that use ECMAScript-driven SVG.
  • XML_svg2image is a PHP class which translates SVG files to PNG or JPEG using Batik.
  • XWeb, a tool to create websites automatically out of XML input. Uses the Batik SVG Rasterizer.