Checks for Size Violations

Long Lines

The property checkstyle.maxlinelen defines the maximum allowed line length. The property type is integer and defaults to 80.

The property defines the distance between tab stops to be used in line number and column calculations. The property type is integer and defaults to 8.

The property checkstyle.ignore.importlength defines whether to ignore the maximum line length for import statements. The property type is boolean and defaults to false.

The property checkstyle.ignore.maxlinelen defines a regular expression for lines to ignore in maximum line length checks. The property type is regular expression and defaults to ^$.

Method Body Length

The property checkstyle.maxmethodlen defines the maximum allowed number of lines for a method. The lines are counted from the opening brace '{' to the closing brace '}'. The property type is integer and defaults to 150.

Constructor Body Length

The property checkstyle.maxconstructorlen defines the maximum allowed number of lines for a constructor. The lines are counted from the opening brace '{' to the closing brace '}'. The property type is integer and defaults to 150.

File Length

The property checkstyle.maxfilelen defines the maximum allowed number of lines in a file. The property type is integer and defaults to 2000.

Number of parameters

The property checkstyle.maxparameters defines the maximum allowed number of parameters to a method or constructor. The property type is integer and defaults to 7.

Copyright © 2002 Oliver Burn. All rights Reserved.