Appendix A. Compliance and known limitations
3.1beta6 (20-01-2006)
** Bug
* [EJB-93] - @PrePersist callback not called on cascade
* [EJB-110] - misnamed method in PersistenceUnitInfo
* [EJB-111] - close() throws IllegalStateException( "transaction in progress")
** New Feature
* [EJB-50] - Entity callbacks should handle subclassing
* [EJB-83] - PersistentUnitInfo and new persistence.xml schema as per the pfd
* [EJB-85] - Support CUD operations out of transactions
* [EJB-86] - EntityManager.getFlushMode()
* [EJB-87] - EntityManager.lock( , LockModeType.READ)
* [EJB-88] - EntityManager.clear()
* [EJB-89] - Replace EntityNotFoundException to NoResultException for query.getSingleResult()
* [EJB-91] - persistence.xml structure changes as per the PFD
* [EJB-92] - Implements transactional-type
* [EJB-104] - Flag for class file transformation
* [EJB-108] - Support EJB3 overriding properties (provider, jta / non-jta datasource, transactionType) over persistence.xml
** Improvement
* [EJB-100] - Multiple lifecycle per event
* [EJB-102] - EJB3 no longer requires to rollback the ids
** Deprecation
* [EJB-105] - Implicit positional parameters for EJBQL queries is no longer supported
3.1beta5 (13-12-2005)
** Bug
* [EJB-52] - PERSIST cascade loads unilitialized elements at flush time
* [EJB-68] - hibernate.ejb.interceptor property in persistence.xml is ignored
* [EJB-73] - Id is not set in @PostPersist
* [EJB-76] - JarVisitor unqualify algorithm fails when the name ends with 'ar' and is less than 4 chars
* [EJB-78] - default value for hibernate.transaction.flush_before_completion
** New Feature
* [EJB-58] - Support @MyAnnotation annotated with an @EntityListener
* [EJB-71] - Support custom event listeners
** Improvement
* [EJB-35] - Support custom NamingStrategy as property.
* [EJB-72] - Make setDataSource() more out of container friendly
* [EJB-75] - Fall back to <property name="blah">blah</property> when the value attribute is empty
* [EJB-79] - Package.getPackage() returns null on some classloaders
3.1beta4 (06-10-2005)
* EJB-67 Lazy access to the stream in JarVisitor leading to a non access when filters are empty (ie no filters)
* EJB-65 handle eclipse bundleresource url protocol during metadata search
* EJB-66 Support all url protocols that returns zip streams for jars like http
* EJB-62 Error during stateful session bean passivation
* EJB-61 implicit parameter ? no longer supported
* EJB-63 Positional parameters should start from index 1 to say sort of consistent with the spec
3.1beta3 (14-09-2005)
* EJB-6 Support ?1, ?2 style positional parameters
* EJB-60 Support byte code instrumentation via a ClassFileTransformer
* EJB-55 Problems using a .par file with Tomcat
* EJB-56 Support exploded jar files *not* ending with .xar
* EJB-51 Support persistence.xml declaration and hibernate.cfg.xml
* EJB-53 DELETE_ORPHAN not executed at flush time
* EJB-52 Persist cascade loads uninitialized elements at flush time
* EJB-43 Autodetection magic leads to duplicate imports
* EJB-24 ByteArrayBlobType incompatible with Oracle
* EJB-28 create an EMF through PersistenceInfo
* EJB-44 Support Hibernate Interceptors in EJB3 imlementation as an extension
* EJB-40 Entity callbacks should cast away access modifiers
* EJB-48 Plug Validator framework into HEM
* EJB-47 Validator and Jacc event listeners clashes
3.1beta2 (04-08-2005)
* Support package names in <class></class>
* EJB-42 Autodetection magic ignores hibernate.cfg.xml
* EJB-45 Allow to disable autodetection in .par through a property
* EJB-41 Short-circuit dirty checking when no callback are actually called
* EJB-38 Standalone EM should search for package-info files
* EJB-31 Out-of-container should search for .hbm.xml files
* EJB-29 Lifecycle callbacks and dirty checking clash
* EJB-36 proxied instances raise an exception in em.contains()
* EJB-28 support injected DataSource
* EJB-34 EMF.isOpen() is wrong
* EJB-27 Support transaction-less operations with getEntityManager()
* EJB-23 No lifecycle interceptor used when getCurrentSession() is called
* EJB-20 Sync Hibernate *state* and entity on lifecycle @Callbacks
* EJB-21 NPE in TransactionImpl.isActive() when tx is not initialized (Shane Bryzak)
* EJB-19 <jar-file></jar-file> analysed, but the resource path is mandatory and not only the jar name
* EJB-18 get mapped classes from .par files both exploded and regular zip
3.1beta1 Preview (24-06-2005)
Initial release
Missing features for spec compliance
* XML deployment descriptor
* Support scalar results in native queries