Server-Based JavaHelp Helpsets

Server-based applications have the same need for online help as client based applications, but they require that the helpset runs in a web browser, as the applications do, and that it be accessed from a server. Version 1.0 of the JavaHelp software API provided a foundation for developing online help for server-based applications. However, the specification did not define standards for a JavaHelp bean or for a Java Server PagesTM (JSP) tag library to access helpset data. Version 2 of the JavaHelp software does define these standards and provides a tag library for server-based applications.

Java Server Pages

JSP enables web developers to develop dynamic web pages. JSP uses XML-like tags to encapsulate the logic that generates web content. JSP pages separate the page logic from its design and display, which prevents the overlapping of roles between web designers and programmers. Designers design the web pages and programmers add the logic and code to them.

For more information and tutorials on JavaServer Pages technology, see

Server-Based JavaHelp Architecture

By combining the JavaHelp software API with new JavaHelp JSP tag libraries, web developers are now able to provide help for server-based applications. The diagram below illustrates the architecture.


A browser initiates a JSP request. Examples of a JSP request are displaying the help content in the helpset, the navigators, or the data for a given navigator. Typically, the JSP request contains JavaBeansTM components as well as JSP tag extensions. The JavaTM server turns the request into a Java Servlet. The servlet access the appropriate information from the helpset by using the classes in the JavaHelp library (jh.jar) and the JavaHelp tag library (jhtags.jar) and returns HTML and possibly JavaScript or dynamic HTML (DHTML) to the browser.

JavaHelp Server Components

Access to helpset data on a server is accomplished through a combination of JavaBeans components specific to the JavaHelp system and JSP tag extensions. This section defines the standard JavaHelp JavaBeans and JSP tag extensions and scripting variables.

JavaHelp Server Bean

ServletHelpBroker is the JavaBean component that stores help state information, such as the helpset in use, the current ID, the current navigator and other pieces of help information. While it implements the interface, some of the methods are either not implemented or throw UnsupportedOperationExceptions if called. The methods that are not implemented in this component are listed below:


initPresentation() No Operation
setDisplayed(boolean) Ignored
boolean isDisplayed() Always returns true
   String id, HelpSet)
No Operation
   String id, HelpSet)
No Operation
  Component| MenuItem,
  String id, HelpSet)
No Operation


One new method is added to ServletHelpBroker:

NavigatorView getCurrentNavigatorView() Returns the current navigator as a NavigatorView.

Using ServletHelpBroker

The ServletHelpBroker is used in the JSP request with a session scope. With this scope, the help broker remains in existence for the duration of a session. The following code defines the help broker:

<jsp:useBean id="helpBroker" class="ServletHelpBroker" scope="session" />

The ServletHelpBroker methods can be called in two ways:

JavaHelp JSP Tag Extensions

While you could retrieve all the helpset information required for displaying online help or documentation by using JavaBeans components and JSP scriptlets, you can instead avoid the appearance of programming and use a standard set of tag extensions in the JavaHelp tag library to invoke application functionality. The JavaHelp tag library is a common set of building blocks that perform the following functions:

The JavaHelp JSP tags are defined below:

Tag Class
TEI Class
validate ValidateTag Validates a HelpBroker with various parameters. Enables easy setup of a help broker with a new helpset. Also enables merging of helpsets and setting the current ID.
HelpBroker object
not required
String representing the URL for InvalidHelpSet message.
not required
String representing the URL for the helpset name.
not required
String id of desired currentID.
not required
Boolean value. If true then merge helpset into current helpset if one exists. Otherwise do not merge helpset.
navigators NavigatorsTag
Returns NavigatorView information for a given HelpBroker.
HelpBroker object
not required
String name of the current navigator.
tocItem TOCItemTag
Provided with a TOCView, returns TOCItem information.
TOCView object
HelpBroker object
not required
Determined by expression. String text for the base identification of the TOCItem.
indexItem IndexItemTag
Provided with an IndexView, returns IndexItem information.
Determined by expression. IndexView object.
HelpBroker object
not required
Determined by expression. String text for the base identification of the IndexItem.
searchItem SearchItemTag
Provided with a SearchView, returns SearchItem information.
Determined by expression. SearchView object.
HelpBroker object
not required
Determined by expression. String text for the base identification of the SearchItem.

Unless otherwise specified, all attribute values are determined by expression. Also, with the exception of the validate tag, the body of all tags are JSP.

Using the validate Tag

The validate tag is designed to be used once in a JSP, as shown below:

<jh:validate helpBroker="<%= helpBroker %>" />

The preceding code verifies that a valid HelpBroker exists and then loads the helpset that has been defined either in the validate tag with the helpSetName attribute or as an HTTP POST request.

Navigator Scripting Variables

The navigator, tocItem, indexItem, and searchItem tag extensions introduce a predefined set of scripting variables into a page. These variables enable the calling JSP to control the presentation without having to perform processing to determine the content. Unless otherwise specified, each scripting variable creates a new variable, and the scope is set to NESTED. NESTED variables are available to the calling JSP only within the body of the defining tag.

Navigator Variables

The navigator variables are defined in the table below.

Data Type
classname java.lang.String Name of the NavigatorView class.
name java.lang.String Name of the view as defined in the helpset.
tip java.lang.String Tooltip text for the view.
iconURL java.lang.String URL for the icon if set with the imageID attribute in the helpset.

Using the Navigator Variables

The navigator tag is used to return information about the current navigator. In the illustration below the navigator tag is used to determine the navigators that are used in the helpset and sets an HTML <img> tag based on the navigator name.

<jh:navigators helpBroker="<%= helpBroker %>" >
   <A HREF="navigator.jsp?nav=<%= name %>">
   <IMG src="<%= iconURL!=""? 
        iconURL : "images/" + className +".gif" %>" 
        Alt="<%= tip %>"

tocItem Variables

The tocItem variables are defined in the table below.

Data Type
name java.lang.String tocItem text as defined in the name attribute.
target java.lang.String tocItem target as defined in the target attribute.
parent java.lang.String Hex value identifying the parent node.
parentID java.lang.String String identifying the parent node.
node java.lang.String Hex value identifying this node.
nodeID java.lang.String String identifying this node.
iconURL java.lang.String URL for the icon if set with the imageID attribute in the tocItem.
contentURL java.lang.String URL for the content represented by this item.
isCurrentNav java.lang.Boolean True if current navigator, false if not.

Using tocItem

The tocItem tag returns information about the TOC items defined in a TOCView. In the sample code below, the TOCView returns tocItem scripting variables that are added to the JavaScript tag tocTree.addTreeNode.

tocTree = new Tree("tocTree", 22, "ccccff", true, false);
<% TOCView curNav = (TOCView)helpBroker.getCurrentNavigatorView(); %>
<jh:tocItem helpBroker="<%= helpBroker %>" tocView="<%= curNav %>" >
   tocTree.addTreeNode("<%= parentID %>",
                       "<%= nodeID %>",
                       "<%= iconURL!=""?iconURL:"null" %>",
                       "<%= name %>","<%= helpID %>",
                       "<%= contentURL!=""?contentURL:"null" %>",
                       "<%= expansionType%>" );   
  ID id = helpBroker.getCurrentID();
  if (id != null) {

indexItem Variables

The indexItem variables are defined in the table below.

Data Type
name java.lang.String indexItem text as defined in the name attribute.
target java.lang.String indexItem target as defined in the target attribute.
parent java.lang.String Hex value identifying the parent node.
parentID java.lang.String String identifying the parent node.
node java.lang.String Hex value identifying this node.
nodeID java.lang.String String identifying this node.
iconURL java.lang.String URL for the icon if set with the imageID attribute in the indexItem.
contentURL java.lang.String URL for the content represented by this item.

Using indexItem

The indexItem tag returns information about the index item defined in an IndexView. In the sample code below, the IndexView returns indexItem scripting variables that are added to the JavaScript tag addNode.

indexTree = new Tree("indexTree", 22, "ccccff", false, true);
<% IndexView curNav = (IndexView)helpBroker.getCurrentNavigatorView(); %>
<jh:indexItem indexView="<%= curNav %>" helpBroker="<%= helpBroker %>" >
    indexTree.addTreeNode("<%= parentID %>", 
                          "<%= nodeID %>", "null", 
                          "<%= name %>","<%= helpID %>",
                          "<%= contentURL!=""?contentURL:"null" %>", 
                          "<%= expansionType%>");
  ID id = helpBroker.getCurrentID();
  if (id != null) {

searchItem Variables

The SearchItem variables are defined in the table below.

Data Type
name java.lang.String Unique name of the searchItem.
helpID java.lang.String String ID associated with this searchItem.
confidence java.lang.String The quality of the hits as returned by the search engine.
hits java.lang.String Number of hits.
contentURL java.lang.String URL for the content represented by this item.
hitBoundries java.lang.String A list of boundaries. Returns in the format of {begin, end},...

Using searchItem

The searchItem tag returns information about the search items defined in a SearchView. In the sample code below, the SearchView returns searchItem scripting variables that are added to the JavaScript tag addNode.

searchList = new SearchList("searchList", 22, "ccccff");
<jh:searchTOCItem searchView="<%= curNav %>"
                  helpBroker="<%=    helpBroker %>" 
                  query="<%= query %>" >
   searchList.addNode("<%= name %>",
                      "<%= confidence %>",
                      "<%= hits %>",
                      "<%= helpID %>",
                      "<%= contentURL %>" );

See also:

Context-Sensitive Help
Programming with the JavaHelp System
Adding the JavaHelp System to Applications
Embedding JavaHelp Components