The JavaHelp Libraries and Tools

The JavaHelp libraries and tools are located in the javahelp folder of the release. All classes work with the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) and use Swing 1.2 or later (included in the J2SE).


The JavaHelp classes are distributed in the following four JAR files located in the javahelp\lib folder:

jh.jar  The standard library, which includes everything needed to use the standard navigator types (TOC, index, full-text search).
jhbasic.jar A subset of jh.jar that does not include support for the full-text search engine. This subset might be useful for very simple help systems that do not require a full-text search database or for help systems in which size is critical.
jhall.jar Contains all the JavaHelp system classes, including the tools required to create a search database.
jsearch.jar Contains the default full-text search engine used in the JavaHelp system.


The JavaHelp tools are used to view helpsets and to build and query the full-text search database. These tools are located in the javahelp\bin folder.

jhindexer  Command-line program that creates the full-text search database used by the JavaHelp system full-text search navigator to locate matches.
jhsearch Command-line program that queries the JavaHelp system full-text search database that is created with the jhindexer command. You can use jhsearch to test a search database without invoking the help viewer.