The jhindexer Command

The jhindexer creates a full-text search database used by the JavaHelp system full-text search engine to locate matches. You can use the jhsearch command to verify the validity of the database.

To build a full-text search database use the following commands:


    jhindexer [options] [file | folder]*
    jhindexer [options] [file | folder]*
If the argument is a folder, the folder is searched recursively for JavaHelp system content files.

The following options are available:
-c file A configuration file name. See Config File below.
-db dir The name of the database output folder. By default the output folder is named JavaHelpSearch and is created in the current folder.
-locale lang_country_variant
The name of the locale as described in java.util.Locale. For example: en_US (English, United States) or en_US_WIN (English, United States, Windows variant).
-logfile file Captures jhindexer messages in a specified file. You can use this option to preserve jhindexer output on Win32 machines where the console window is dismissed after execution terminates.
-nostop words Causes stop words to be indexed in the full-text search database.
-verbose Displays verbose messages while processing.

Stop Words

You can direct the JavaHelp system's full-text search indexer to exclude certain words from the database index. These words are called stop words. By default, the indexer ignores (does not index) the following stop words when it encounters them in your help topics:

a     all    am    an    and   any    are   as
at    be     but   by    can   could  did   do
does  etc    for   from  goes  got    had   has
have  he     her   him   his   how    if    in
is    it     let   me    more  much   must  my
nor   not    now   of    off   on     or    our
own   see    set   shall she   should so    some
than  that   the   them  then  there  these this
those though to    too   us    was    way   we
what  when   where which who   why    will  would
yes   yet    you

You can override the indexer's default stop word behavior in two ways:

Config File

You can use the config file to:

Each of these options is described below.

Changing Path Names

You can remove and prepend portions of the topic file names as they are stored in the search database. This is useful when the path to the topic files you use during development is different from the path the help system will later use to find the topic files during searches.

To remove a portion of the path name from all of the indexed files:

Add the following line to the config file:

    IndexRemove path    
where path is the portion of the path you want removed.

For example, to change:

add the following line to the config file:
    IndexRemove /public_html/JavaHelp/demo/
To prepend a different path to the indexed files:

Add the following line to the config file:

    IndexPrepend path  
For example, to change:
add this line to the config file:
    IndexPrepend my_product/install/

Specifying Files for Indexing

You can explicitly specify the names of the files you want indexed. In the config file, specify the names in a list in the following format:

    File filename
    File filename
    File filename

Be sure to use "/" as the file separator when specifying files for indexing.

Specifying Stop Words

You can specify your own list of stop words in the config file. When you specify your own list, the indexer does not use the default stop word list. You can specify a list of stop words in two ways:

See also:

Creating the Full-Text Search Database
The jhsearch Command
Localizing the Full-Text Search Database