JavaHelp system components can be embedded directly into the application. The following pared down steps are taken from the idedemo sample program included with the JavaHelp software release. A TOC navigator is added to the main application frame and the content pane is added to a tabbed display at the bottom of the main application frame. You can find the complete sources for the sample program at:
try { ClassLoader cl = ApiDemo.class.getClassLoader(); URL url = HelpSet.findHelpSet(cl, "api"); apiHS = new HelpSet(cl, url); } catch (Exception ee) { System.out.println ("API Help Set not found"); return; }
JHelpContentViewer viewer1 = new JHelpContentViewer(apiHS);
messages.setComponentAt(miscTabIndex, viewer1); messages.setSelectedIndex(miscTabIndex);
xnav = (JHelpNavigator) apiHS.getNavigatorView("TOC").createNavigator(viewer1.getModel());
Use the same model for both the content pane and navigator components
(viewer1) to ensure that changes generated by one component are reflected
in the other component. Note that the TOC can be created by using either
the HelpSet.getNavigatorView()
method or the JavaHelpNavigator.getNavigatorView()
method. Both methods produce the same results; however, using HelpSet
reduces the dependency on the GUI.
content.add(xnav, "Center"); classViewerIFrame.setContentPane(content);
See also: