SimpleClient ------------ Notes: ====== This should not be taken as a demo of how to use the Swing API, but rather a very simple graphical mail client. It shows how viewers can be used to display the content from mail messages. It also (like the other demos) shows how to retrieve Folders from a Store, Messages from a Folder, and content from Messages. To run the demo: ================ 1. If you're using JDK 1.1.x, download the latest version of the JFC (Swing) APIs from The SimpleClient uses at least version 1.1 of Swing. If you're using JDK 1.2 (J2SE 1.2) or newer, Swing is included and no separate download is necessary. We *strongly* encourage you to use the latest version of J2SE, which you can download from 2. Set your CLASSPATH to include the "mail.jar", "activation.jar", and (if you're using JDK 1.1.x and downloaded Swing separately) "swingall.jar", and the current directory. For example: For JDK 1.1 on UNIX: export CLASSPATH=/u/me/download/mail.jar:/u/me/download/activation.jar:/u/me/download/swingall.jar:. For JDK 1.2 and newer on UNIX: export CLASSPATH=/u/me/download/mail.jar:/u/me/download/activation.jar:. 3. Go to the demo/client directory 4. Compile all the files using your Java compiler. For example: javac *.java 5. Run the demo. For example: java SimpleClient -L imap://username:password@hostname/ Note that SimpleClient expects to read the "simple.mailcap" file from the current directory. The simple.mailcap file contains configuration information about viewers needed by the SimpleClient demo program. Overview of the Classes ======================= Main Classes: SimpleClient = contains main(). Uses the parameters to the application to locate the correct Store. e.g. SimpleClient -L imap://cotton:secret@snow-goon/ It will create the main frame and creates a tree. The tree uses the StoreTreeNodes and FolderTreeNodes. StoreTreeNode = subclass of Swing's DefaultMutableTreeNode. This class shows how to get Folders from the Store. FolderTreeNode = subclass of Swing's DefaultMutableTreeNode. If the folder has messages, it will create a FolderViewer. Otherwise it will add the subfolders to the tree. SimpleAuthenticator = subclass of javax.mail.Authenticator. If the Store is missing the username or the password, this authenticator will be used. It displays a dialog requesting the information from the user. Viewing Folders: FolderViewer = Uses a Swing Table to display all of the Message in a Folder. The "model" of the data for this Table is a FolderModel which knows how to get displayable information from a Message. JAF Viewers: MessageViewer = Uses the content of the DataHandler. The content will be a javax.mail.Message object. Displays the headers and then uses the JAF to find another viewer for the content type of the Message. (either multipart/mixed, image/gif, or text/plain) MultipartViewer = Uses the content of the DataHandler. The content will be a javax.mail.Multipart object. Uses the JAF to find another viewer for the first BodyPart's content. Also puts Buttons (as "attachments") for the rest of the BodyParts. When the Button are pressed, it uses the JAF to find a viewer for the BodyPart's content, and displays it in a separate frame (using ComponentFrame). TextViewer = Uses the content of the DataHandler. The content will be either a java.lang.String object, or a object. Creates a TextArea and sets the text using the String or InputStream. Support Classes: ComponentFrame = support class which takes a java.awt.Component and displays it in a Frame.