Logging Demo ------------ Notes: ====== This should not be taken as a demo of how to use the logging API, but rather how to use the features of the MailHandler. To run the demo: ================ 1. The demo requires Java version 1.4 or newer. We *strongly* encourage you to use the latest version of J2SE, which you can download from http://java.sun.com/j2se/. 2. Set your CLASSPATH to include the "mail.jar" and "activation.jar". For JDK 1.1 on UNIX: export CLASSPATH=/u/me/download/mail.jar:/u/me/download/activation.jar. For JDK 1.2 and newer on UNIX: export CLASSPATH=/u/me/download/mail.jar:/u/me/download/activation.jar:. 3. Go to the demo/logging directory 4. Compile all the files using your Java compiler. For example: javac *.java 5. Not required but, you should edit the maildemo.properties and change the mail.to address and mail.host to your mail server ip or host name. 6. Run the demo. For example: java -Dmail.debug=false -Djava.util.logging.config.file=/u/me/download/javamail/demo/maildemo.properties MailHandlerDemo Overview of the Classes ======================= Main Classes: MailHandlerDemo = The main method creates log messages for the MailHander to capture. The initXXX methods describe some of the common setup code for different types of email messages. FileErrorManager = Used to store email messages to the local file system when mail transport fails. This is installed as a fallback in case the logging config is not specified. SummaryFormatter = An example compact formatter for the body of an email message. SummaryNameFormatter = An example formatter used to generate subject lines and attachment file names based on the contents of the email message. Support files: maildemo.properties = A sample LogManager properties file for the MailHandlerDemo.