JMSL Chart Programmer's Guide
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Chart Movements

The mouse can be used to rotate, translate, or zoom a 3D chart.


The chart is rotated when the mouse is moved with the main mouse button pressed. The rotation is in the direction of the mouse movement, with a rotation of 0.01 radians for each pixel of mouse movement.


The chart is translated when the mouse is moved with the right mouse button pressed (Shift-main mouse button on systems without a right mouse button). The translation is in the direction of the mouse movement, with a translation of 1% for each pixel of mouse movement.

The chart can also be translated using arrows keys (up, down, left, right). If the control key is also pressed, the motions are accelerated.

Zoom In or Zoom Out

The chart is zoomed when the mouse is moved with the middle mouse button pressed (or Alt-main mouse button on systems without a middle mouse button). The chart is zoomed by 1% for each pixel of mouse movement. Moving the mouse up moves the chart closer, moving the mouse down moves the chart further away.

The chart can also be zoomed using the plus (`+') or minus (`-') keys. The plus key zooms in and the minus key zooms out. If the control key is also pressed, the motions are accelerated.


Typing the Home key or the Equals (`=') key undoes any chart movements.

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